Can you vote?

Can you vote too?

Everyone who has an EU passport, or has been living in The Netherlands legally for over five consecutive years, has the right to vote for the Leiden municipal elections. To vote, you only have to be registered as a resident in the city.

We made a tool to quickly check whether you are eligible to vote in the Leiden municipal elections on March 16th, 2022. 

Eens straat in de binnenstad van Leiden

Living well

Leiden is a wonderful city to live in. Everybody has a right to adequate housing , yet finding a suitable  house is no longer a certainty. That is why GroenLinks is fighting to ensure everyone can find affordable and energy-efficient homes in green neighbourhoods. To achieve this, we will invest firmly in the construction of new homes and in increasing the suitability of existing homes. GroenLinks believes housing is a human right; and homes should be affordable for students, families and working people.. We are committed to combating speculation and shady practices on the housing market.

samen aan de slag Ashley

Nature in the city

Leiden offers a unique setting for nature. However, climate change and other human interference increasingly put pressure on our city’s environment and its biodiversity. With GroenLinks in the municipal administration the last 4 years, a lot has been done to make the city greener, wherever possible in cooperation with its citizens. The realization of the Singelpark and being selected as a European BiodiverCity are examples of such initiatives.

Zonnepanelen op dak

A Fair Transition

The energy transition is the greatest social and political challenge of our time. Combating global warming requires all of our decisiveness, creativity and willingness to cooperate. For success, Leiden’s contribution is indispensable. Together with the citizens, we can really tackle this issue head on, in particular by enabling people in the most vulnerable positions to benefit from what we achieve.

twee dames bij een trein

Sustainable Accessibility

Leiden is one of the most densely populated municipalities of the Netherlands. Creating reliable accessibility while providing green, residential areas, clean air and sustainability is an ongoing puzzle. GroenLinks opts for space for cyclists, pedestrians and public transport. Space for (electric) cars remains on access roads in and out of the neighborhoods and along the outskirts of the city, but in the residential areas cars are guests,leaving room for residents, green spaces and playing children.

Recyclen logo afvalbak

Waste not want not

A circular economy is the economy of the future. In other words: everything we use, eat or consume is either reused or comes from a renewable source. The circular economy is an essential part of the sustainability goals for a climate-positive city, which is why GroenLinks wants to fully commit to achieving the objective of a circular economy by 2050.

Twee mannen bewerken hout

Social Security for all Leidenaars

Everyone has the right to social security and a meaningful life. We want to end poverty and provide more opportunities for people in precarious positions. Leiden has a strong economy and all citizens should be in a position to benefit from it. This means work and volunteer opportunities should be available to citizens, but also the option to participate in sports, visit a museum or show, or to partake in other social activities. Taking care of someone else, be it children, parents, or someone in need, should be possible without sacrificing your own needs.

Bejaardetehuis bezoek

Positive Healthcare

Sooner or later, everybody will be in need of healthcare assistance in one form or the other. Care for the elderly, the ill or the precarious is a basic human need and therefore a basic human right. The municipal healthcare policy should be precise, personal and fair. The needs of patients, clients and the people around them should be at the forefront, instead of a focus solely on costs.

Kinderen en kunst

Growing up in Leiden

Youth is the future. We want a safe environment for all children to grow up in, space to play outside, space to acquire knowledge and skills, and to participate in social and cultural activities and sports. Origin, sexual orientation, financial means, social or societal differences should not lead to different opportunities growing up.

Rennende kinderen

Sports and Recreation

Sports are a way to push limits and stay in shape. Leiden has places for cycling, swimming or running, but also for an everyday walk. Children and young people learn important values, such as fair play, through sports, and make friendships,while laying the foundation for a healthy weight. Sports bring people together in a positive way and should therefore be open and accessible to all, free from impediments due to background, financial resources or other limitations.

Dame op podium

Arts, Atmosphere and Culture

Groenlinks wants to give ample room for arts and culture to reach every citizen. From those who enjoy the reveille to those who frequent the concert hall. Arts and culture give colour to life. Arts and culture can also be found in the library, in poems on the walls of buildings around the city and in the activities of the (neighbourhood) community centres. We cherish all creative makers in Leiden and give them the space to perform. GroenLinks makes a difference and will continue our successful cultural policy of the last four years.

Twee dames bij regenboogvlag

The Freedom to be You

In Leiden, you should be free to be who you are. GroenLinks stands for a respectful, inclusive society. Exclusion, discrimination and intolerance have no place in our city. As a municipality, we will ensure that everyone can participate safely and freely in public life and we will stop at nothing to be an inclusive organization.

Demonstratie Feminisme

Democracy and Participation

We are the city. Leiden has a rich tradition of participatory decision making. GroenLinks believes democracy starts bottom-up, with ordinary citizens looking to improve their street, neighbourhood or municipality. Because of this, we will strengthen our democracy and representation. Participation in policy making has two main goals: to improve plans together with the city and to increase equality of opportunity. We believe things change for the better when citizens are actively involved.


Safety and Security

Everybody has a right to safety and security. We are on the right path in Leiden: crime rates are falling,  but we see room for improvement. GroenLinks wants to continue focusing on crime prevention. Everyone should be able to walk the streets and participate in society without fear of threats and other excesses, which is why we fight discrimination, intimidation and violence. We make Leiden safer, but with  respect for people's privacy. Camera surveillance must meet strict criteria. Your data must be in safe hands with the municipality.

jongen bij wereldbol

Europe and Beyond

Leiden has always looked beyond its borders and has an outward, international look and a strong link with Europe. With the international contacts of the university and its students and the Bio Science Park, where worldwide groundbreaking research is combined with the most modern production techniques to provide vaccines for the world, Leiden is greatly connected to the world – a connection we actively cherish.

Erik Zachte, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons